Tarf's Happy Persona 3 Funny Adventure Hilarious Laugh Mac OS

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Persona 3: FES gives us the option of going on dates with Elizabeth. This is a woman who apparently only read about the world in books, and the brilliant first date is topped with her pointing out she had asked Igor if she could turn the Velvet Room into a dance club. Also the fountain scenes. This editor's personal favorite was when you take her to the Shrine. Sliding down the playground's. #persona5royal #persona5thanks for watching! Hope you guys liked this episode of persona 5, gotta take a bath so the doctor talks to me.thanks for being her. Bestial Wheel is a Shadow in the Persona series. Persona 3 / FES / PortableBestial Wheel appears alone in the lower half of the Arqa Block in Tartarus. It will attack the party with strong physical attacks. They will appear as smaller shadows crawling along the floor. Moved Permanently. The document has moved here. GamesRadar+ takes you closer to the games, movies and TV you love.

  1. Tarf's Happy Persona 3 Funny Adventure Hilarious Laugh Mac Os Update
  2. Tarf's Happy Persona 3 Funny Adventure Hilarious Laugh Mac Os X
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  • Persona 3: FES gives us the option of going on dates with Elizabeth. This is a woman who apparently only read about the world in books, and the brilliant first date is topped with her pointing out she had asked Igor if she could turn the Velvet Room into a dance club. Also the fountain scenes.
    • This editor's personal favorite was when you take her to the Shrine. Sliding down the playground's slide without sitting down, getting stuck in the jungle gym.
    • On an interesting note, Persona 4 has an unlockable song called 'Electronica in the Velvet Room', which plays in the Velvet Room and sounds like something you'd hear at a dance club.
    • 'Fortunately, I anticipated this, and brought a good supply of coins.I shall make an opening bid to the fountain spirit of 1 million yen.' (proceeds to dump a gigantic bag of coins into the fountain)
      • And then she realizes there's more than one fountain.
  • Mitsuru's 'execution.'
    • This Troper lost it after choosing to talk to Akihiko the night after the aforementioned 'execution.'

Akihiko: .I'll say this. The principal offenders were Junpei and Ryoji. We were forced to commit the crime, against our will. We were victims too. .. .Now please, do not mention it ever again.

    • For this troper, it was that Akihiko, who's usually cool, calm, and collected at all times, even when fighting Shadows, was utterly and totally panicking at the thought of Mitsuru's wrath.
    • This troper was a little disappointed we didn't hear any girly screams from the boys during the fade to black.
    • What made this a crowning moment of funny for this troper wasn't just the incident itself, but the fact that it practically implied that this had happened to Akihiko before. He had to know that they would be executed somehow.
    • It's even better if you're playing as the female protagonist and let them get away with it while you and Akihiko are lovers. He's so ashamed that he can't even look at you. Ken's response is funny, too. If you're lovers with him, he's upset about what they did, but if you let them get away with it, he has a pretty good idea of what happened anyway.
    • Eh, Your Mileage May Vary On this whole part, as it falls into Double Standard Abuse (Female on Male), whch is a Dude, Not Funny for This Troper.
      • Same for this one. That everyone else finds it so funny is kind of scary. On that note, not getting caught is just as funny, as Ryoji and Junpei get their just desserts for their perversion anyway: after Akihiko realizes they haven't said anything in a while, he and the MC realize they've passed out from the steam.
    • This line from Junpei (even better with Vic Mignogna voice acting)
    • Even better, if the boys were caught in the Portable version, go to Tartarus the day after the trip and talk to Junpei or Akihiko during the dungeon trip. While Junpei just complains about the excessive punishment before sadly apologizing, Akihiko considers it a Fate Worse Than Death.
  • Every time Junpei calls Yukari 'Yuka-tan,' especially the enthusiasm he puts behind it.
    • 'Junpei's Believe It. Or Don't'. Apparently he carries a flashlight for the express purpose of spooky-facing.
  • Almost everything Junpei does or says is a Crowning Moment Of Funny. One notable example is when Yukari goes on a ghost investigation after Junpei starts talking about them.

Junpei: I always thought these stories were fake. But, she seems to be doing research on them. Is it the power of the Junpei Zone?
Yukari: Huh!? What did you just say!?
Junpei: Oh shit. I pissed her off.

  • And then when you talk to Yukari after he made that comment.

Yukari Fishing for atari mac os. : Ugh. I wonder why I said that. Yeah, it's Junpei's fault.! Everything's his fault.! The Junpei Zone!? Psh! You really are dumber than you look!

  • The trip to Yasoinaba in Portable is just hilarious, especially with Yuko and Kazushi bickering like an old married couple through the latter half.
  • A scene that never fails to crack me up is Operation Babe Hunt.
    • During Operation Babe Hunt, you get appointed as team leader and Full Moon BOSS MUSIC starts playing when you talk to the girls.
  • Cleaning up after the (cancelled) school festival in P3P as the girl. Turns out that one of the cancelled events was. a cross-dressing pageant. Junpei, Kenji and Kazushi then start arguing about who would look the cutest while cross-dressing. Then Aigis joins in.
    • The male scene in FES isn't half bad either. It consists of MC and Kenji preforming a comedy duo act, Kenji borrowing Yukari's nickname for Junpei, Stupei, Kenji teasing Kaz about a possible crush on Yukari, Aigis commenting on Junpei liking maids, and the main event; Yukari, Yuko and Chihiro all converging, while the latter two start blathering on about how much they love spending time with the MC as the 'atmoshere becomes oppressive.' In the end, it takes the combined efforts of Junpei, Kaz and Kenji to save you from a Nice Boat ending as they distract the three girls for you.
    • Further on the maid thing, Kaz asks what a maid is. For some reason how Junpei says 'A pure soul!' with a stunned expression always makes me laugh.
  • The ending to the Hermit Social Link in FES. 'Maya' totally freaks.
  • Akihiko, Ken, both Lovers. Cock FightEnsues. Add Junpei in for extra LOLs. Described here (Note that it's the Kink Meme so while this link isn't NSFW, poking around will)
  • The end of the Devil S-Link consists of Tanaka singing about how he knows he's a Jerkass and has no intention of changing his ways. He then faxes the news station just to drive home his point. Courtesy link.
  • The end of the Hanged Man S-Link in the female route: Maiko mentions in a letter that she really hopes to become family with the heroine, so her dad's idea of making that come true is to ask the heroine out.
  • Pretty much all of the video recordings will get at least a chuckle out of you, from Mitsuru mistakingly beleiving Fuuka's is having alone time, to Yukari in her maid outfit, a lot of embarrassing things happen.
    • The very first one will have you laughing (in bemused derision) at Shinji Ikutsuki cracking puns so painfully bad angels fall out of the sky and die on the spot while bleeding from the ears from the sheer lameness of his jokes.
    • Any of Mitsuru's Fish Out of Water moments are funny as hell, like the one when she thought Junpei was kidnapped.
      • Officer Kurosawa's reaction really makes that one: 'Well, son, looks like you've got a death sentence.'
    • Akihiko actually sinks to the lameness of the aforementioned Ikutsuki at one point when trying to follow the advice of self help book that advised him to improve his self confidence by 'having a sense of humor', and upon realizing this he actually bitches himself out for being so lame.
    • Shinjiro tries to hide his Real Men Wear Pink tendencies, but all he achieves is Epic Fail thanks to one third Aigis' being able to speak dog, very bad improvising skills, and the world's worst timing.
  • The lyrics to 'Gekkoukan Boogie', the school song. 'Everybody was Haiku writing.those kids were fast as lightning'
  • In the PSP remake, equip Shinjiro in a Tuxedo, add him in your team, talk to him and he'll go all Tsundere about it.

Shinjiro: Are you into this sort of thing?!? That's fine, but. Can't you see how out of character this is for me?

    • Equipping the female PC in the more provocative outfits such as the swimsuit or Battle Panties and then talking to Shinjiro is also good for comedy.
  • When Aigis finds you if you're playing as the female protagonist. Akihiko and Junpei arrive to see the girl they were trying to win over hugging you for dear life, and Akihiko says, 'Oh, so that's her preference. No wonder we got the cold shoulder.'
  • New Years Day has one. Orginally the guys weren't going to do any traditonal celebration for New Years, until Ken reports that the girls are wearing kimonos Junpei evidently mentions on the way there that girls don't wear anything under a kimono; cue Ken asking if the girls are cold and giving the reason why.
    • Interestingly enough, if Akihiko and Ken are lovers of the Female Protagonist in Portable they will be very flustered around her. In the English version, Ken's might even count as Getting Crap Past the Radar, considering how all the other Shotacon references got rewritten.
  • From the modding community, this video highlights the attempts of a Chaos Edition of FES. What does this mean? Translation Train Wreck, Soundtrack Dissonance, Game-Breaking Bugs, Unwinnable moments, and graphical mess galore! As a bonus, the modders also managed to slip in assets from its sequel to add onto the chaos!
    • From The Journey:
      • The game asks if the player wants to transfer 'anime registration letters', the Academics Elite, Charm Attractive, and Courage Confident 'titles', and 'buy category> connectivity reached MAX'. The difficulties offered are Frequently, Only, and Complex.
      • Like in the Chaos Edition attempt on Persona 4, the model swaps end up turning the entire population into a mix of human beings, demons, and random objects. Expect random sightings of Tartarus stairs (one even replacing the protagonist in one scene), the P4 protagonist and Keisuke as teachers, Junpei entering the dorm as Barong, the main cast wielding random people or Personas, clones of various characters walking around and even interacting with each other, and random characters stuck in certain animations.
      • Yukari is first introduced as 'black', while Mitsuru is 'full Christ'. The latter also ends up occasionally being referred to as 'house'.
      • Fridge Funny (albeit in a twisted way): The protagonist Akihiko awakens his Persona, Orpheus. (You have a new character!) Meanwhile, some appearances of the real Akihiko depict him as some kind of door. Put two and two together.
        • Becomes a Brick Joke in The Answer portion where one of Junpei's lines upon waking up on 4/1 is 'Or they can not collect door?'. The commentator wonders if it refers to Akihiko.
      • Tartarus being referred to as 'shaft.'
      • The Running Gag of Yukari murdering her teammates in battles due to the randomized skill mechanics. One of her skills, 'deer', basically summons some sort of sandstorm that damages the entire party (including herself) yet heals herself afterwards. Made funnier by her statement earlier when the protagonist was in the hospital, 'I do not like you.'
      • The 'Wait' command's description: 'It was over.'
    • From The Answer:
      • As highlighted by the video's thumbnail, Junpei/Juntair/June Dick's Badass Boast before the final battle ends up as this legendary line:

Junpei: I do not want to lose you, big boy, saxophone!

      • As for the battle itself, just the fact that Erebushas been reduced to a table Shadow and is defeated in one weak hit. This was done by Aigis summoning 'Wang cream' (alsothe protagonist's name in this highlight), who is in the form of the much smaller than usual Mitsuo from Persona 4.
      • After the battle, an equally funny one is Ken's line being reduced to simply, 'Thus.'
      • The Velvet Room scene has Aigis hilariously expressing the pointlessness of her believing in the protagonist.

Aigis: I finally got to lose faith in him .. I think .. He was very stupid ..

      • After expressing his relief from Aigis turning out to be fine after the battle, Junpei says this nonsensical line, followed by a seemingly confused Akihiko:

Tarf's Happy Persona 3 Funny Adventure Hilarious Laugh Mac Os Update

Junpei: Man .. I wish that we had a beautiful house.
Akihiko: Yes, that's right. https://pdqrairport-slotspokerfreecard3.peatix.com. *Internal connecting* .

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Maze race (danilo35) mac os. Unmarked spoilers below.

  • While handing Ren his student ID, Ms. Kawakami accidentally drops a flyer for her maid service and quickly picks it up. Sadly for her, Ren definitely saw it.
  • This occurred in the game if you were paying attention (especially the second time), but Ryuji accidentally gave Ren's Meta-Nav its required criteria (target's name, what the Palace is, Palace's location) while talking about Kamoshida, which has a heaping of ironic humor to it. Us seeing the screen as it records his words is just icing on the cake.
  • Ryuji roasting Ren's Joker outfit upon their return to the castle.
    Ryuji: Dude, what's with the pants? You look like you got kicked out of a magic act.
  • When Ren and Ryuji first encounter Morgana, Ryuji is understandably freaked out by the 'monster cat'. After Ren gets a feel on Morgana's head, eliciting Blush Stickers and a happy kitty noise, Ryuji suffers an abrupt outbreak of Cuteness Proximity.
    Ryuji: L-let me touch the monster cat, too!
    [Cue Morgana snapping out of it.]
  • When the cognitive perverted version of Ann walks up to Shadow Kamoshida clad in nothing but a bikini, Ryuji and Morgana end up Distracted by the Sexy while Ren is just thoroughly unimpressed.
  • At the end of the episode, while Ren and Ryuji are discussing Kamoshida's Palace over ramen, as they do in the game, Ryuji calls Ren, 'RenRen'. Ren then follows by simply calling Ryuji 'Sakamoto', after being allowed to call him by his first name.
    Ryuji: Oh, that's cold.
  • When giving codenames for each other, Morgana was about to give one for himself but Ryuji straight away suggests Mona. Morgana was against it since it is too simple, but quickly changes his mind since Ann thinks that nickname is cute.
  • As for Ann, Ren straight away says Sexy Cat as Ryuji describes her clothes.
  • While the group's shopping for weapons at Untouchable, Morgana suggests that Ryuji haggle with Iwai for a lower price. Ren walks up to the counter, but is so intimidated by Iwainote that he ends up paying the original price, leaving the group with only 100 yen (roughly a single US dollar) for healing supplies. Cut to Ren buying a pack of Band-Aids.
  • When the smoke clears from Ren's smoke bomb, Shadow Kamoshida notices that Ryuji is gone and asks where he went. Morgana lies, claiming that Ryuji decided to turn tail and run. The lie is meant to protect Ryuji, who snuck away to steal Kamoshida's Treasure, but Ryuji is not amused.
    Ryuji: That cat. is toast.
  • Like in the game, we are introduced to Mona transforming into a bus. What makes it hilarious is that in the animation, not only does Morgana perform the Kamen Rider 'Henshin' poses, there were sound effects added to them, too!
  • When Ann meets up with the others in Shibuya after going to the exhibit, Ryuji's badly losing an online shogi game. When Ren switches over to the Phan-site, Ryuji's ecstatic, since it means the loss didn't count.
  • When Yusuke's painting Ann, and refuses to let Ren or Ryuji speak until he's finished, Ryuji asks Ren how long it will take. Ren's response is, 'Long.'
  • After Yusuke asks Ann to pose nude, Ryuji loses his temper.
    Ryuji: What is wrong with you? Are you some kind of pervert?
    Yusuke: You're still here?
    Ryuji: And it's a good thing, apparently!
  • Ren and Ryuji encounter Ohya outside of Madarame's shack, who asks them if they know him.
    Ohya: You guys know him?
    Ryuji: Nope, sorry. We were just passing through.
    Ohya: Huh. I can sense there's something fishy about you guys.
    Ryuji: We're fishy? You practically have gills.
    Ohya: (laughs)You got me there.
  • Much like in the game, there is the scene of Ann agreeing to model nude for Yusuke—really, just a plan to open a door in Madarame's house in order to change Madarame's Palace—but not without Ann showing up in many layers of clothing. Arguably made funnier by the awkward exchanges shared between the two.
    Ann: W-Well then, I'll start taking my clothes off.
    Yusuke: Yes, please.
    Ann: It's embarrassing if you're watching me like that.
  • Early in the episode, we are treated to what many of the players wish were possible in-game: Morgana watching the party's laundry while Joker is at the bathhouse.
  • Ren, Ryuji and Yusuke's incredibly awkward faces at the public bath because they can hear Ann's humming from the other side of the wall and can't help but mentally picture their Stupid Sexy Friend taking a bath as well. And then another sauna-goer uses the faucet right next to them, causing Ryuji to exclaim that that water's too hot.
  • When Ryuji explains Operation Maidwatch, Ren sits there, barely paying attention, until Ryuji brings up punishing bad guys, at which point Ren immediately agrees to it.
  • During Operation Maidwatch, after Ryuji and Mishima flee to to the balcony, Ren's nerves get to him (especially once he realizes the maid sounds a lot like Ms. Kawakami.) and he goes with some of the game's most audacious dialogue options. His nervous sweating and awkward attempts to avoid eye contact make the scene a lot funnier than it gets in-game.
    • One can practically sense Sadayo's internal panic after the above in the following silence.
      • Xander Mobus in the dub for this scene deepened his voice to say the line, which makes it even funnier.
  • Just like in the original game, the fact that Kawakami got caught moonlighting as a maid by one of her own students—and the 'troublesome new arrival', at that! That is more than funny enough, especially since Ren started to put two and two together throughout their exchange.
  • In order to finally clear the air with his former pals from the track team, Ryuji tells them to punch him until they are satisfied. Unlike a similar development in the Social Link of the Chariot Arcana in Persona 4 where Chie Satonaka manages to cower a group of bullies to stand down and leave just like this, the track team members take Ryuji up on his offer while telling him to feel free to give as good as he gets. Cue offscreen brawlof forgiveness. When all is said and done, Ryuji complains that he was only expecting one punch each.
  • By the end of the episode, Kawakami has warmed up to Ren and allows him to call her for services, even teasingly telling him how good at giving massages she is. Cue Gilligan Cut to.Kawakami doing actual maid work by watching the laundry.
    Kawakami: [original deadpan Japanese] '.Nani, kore.' ('What the hell.')
  • Makoto's not-so-covert efforts at tailing Ren in the beginning of the episode. Plus, she's 'reading' her magazine upside down.
  • The scene with the Camp Gay couple harassing Ryuji is not well-liked, to say the least. But adding the boss theme to it Crosses the Line Twice.
    • Ren quickly recognizes the danger of the above situation and quietly backs out of it.
  • The game establishes that those who haven't accessed the Metaverse will simply hear Morgana's speech as meowing. The anime uses Makoto's point of view to demonstrate what this actually sounds like.
    Morgana: *meow meow meow*
    Makoto: Are.you guys okay?
    Ann: Oh, that's right, you can't hear him.
  • Thanks to the Male Gaze during the scene where the Thieves are trying to come up with a codename for Makoto, it gives the impression that Joker was Eating the Eye Candy before settling on calling her 'Queen.' Shippers especially did not miss out on this.
  • Junya Kaneshiro's Piggytron is already amusing by itself, but then he also raps during the first half of his boss battle.
  • In the dub, Ryuji yeets Morgana. Max Mittelman admitted that he couldn't help himself.
  • Hifumi makes another cameo attempting to enter the church she's usually hanging out at. Then she finds Ren and Yusuke are there, in the middle of Yusuke's Rank 5 request (posing), and she silently cancels her plan to hang out at the church and leaves.
  • We actually see Mishima's reaction to his 'date' with Ohya, who is already drunk off her ass when he gets there. He texts Ren with plenty of complaints and questions, only to be ignored because Ren is raising his Charm by watching trashy romance movies.
    • That orange gleam in Ren's glasses? It's either a subtle single tear, or a visual cue of his social stat increasing.
  • Again, the anime has Ren select the boldest in-game dialogue choice during Makoto's double-date.
    Tsukasa: Wanna tell me your number?
    Makoto: I-I don't know about that.
    Ren: You can have mine.
  • Out of all kinds of Persona Joker can summon, he choose to use Suzaku. Either it is a coincidence, or a reference to another anime Ren's Japanese VA participated in.
  • Alibaba sets off the phones of almost everyone in class except for Ren's, much to Kawakami's annoyance.
  • Futaba and Makoto freak each other out, and the close-ups on their expressions sell the moment. Then the anime cuts to the ending credits.
  • Those expecting this episode to start with a peaceful intro as usual. were met with a scene that picks up right where the last episode left off! Almost nobody expected a scene with Makoto and Futaba freaking out to show up abruptly.
  • Upon entering the desert from Sojiro's house, there's a Beat. Then the kids all start hopping from foot to foot in panic, because it's really hot and they're not wearing any footwear. It's ridiculously amusing.
    • Ren still keeps his hands in his pockets through the whole scene.
  • Like in the game, Ryuji, Ren and Yusuke peek at Ann and Makoto after sweating in the desert heat. However, this now takes place inside Futaba's Palace instead of the Morganamobile.
    • Because Mona isn't a car, he gets to ogle Ann too, unlike in the game.
  • Like in the game, Futaba wears her creepy-looking doll mask when socializing, even when serving food to customers.
  • The boys struggle to keep their cool while hearing the girls discuss their swimsuits. Yusuke's sweating, too.because he's still eating Leblanc's signature curry.
  • Just like the game, Yusuke buys two lobsters and comments on their beauty. This time around, Ren just asks Yusuke if he has money for the train home after buying them.
  • Ren sees Ms. Kawakami spending her holiday fishing, and like in the game, Ryuji is there to notice. Hilarity Ensues.
  • Kawakami trying out various swimsuits in her hotel room, and then realizing that she looks like an idiot. Then Haru, who's apparently Kawakami's roommate as a third-year and fellow chaperone, comes in at the wrong time, and Kawakami panics while trying to hide her swimsuits. By lying right on top of them.
    Haru:(beat) Did I come in at a bad time?
  • Like in the game, Ryuji asks Ann what kind of boys she likes, while Ann demands that Ryuji reveal his kind of girl. Instead of saying he likes nice girls, and would choose the hotter one if two girls were equally nice, he flat-out quits before even saying anything.
  • Once again, Yusuke really brings misfortune to his trip and ends up meeting Ren and the others in the same hotel in Hawaii.
  • The look on Futaba's oh-no face when Ren replies 'Aloha' after returning from the school trip. 'He's been influenced.' ('They got to him.')
    • While Futaba isn't really happy with Ren getting a keychain for her souvenir, calling it cliché, Morgana is flat-out confused while wearing the lei Ren puts on him. He looks ridiculous, and the rest of them laugh their asses off at him.
  • Futaba searches up all the necessary information on Okumura in the way she does best: getting fired up while rapidly typing on her keyboard.
  • Since the anime is not restricted by model animations, Haru's introduction as the Beauty Thief becomes even more hilariously awkward. It gets even more hilarious when Morgana covers his face in shame as soon as Haru repeats her proclamation of getting the Treasure, with 'Last Surprise' kicking in every time it happens.
  • Chihaya notes Ren's troubles and tries to sell him the 100,000 yen Holy Stone, only for Ren to have walked off before she could finish the sentence.
  • When Haru meets the Phantom Thieves again in Mementos, she once again does the 'My name is Beauty Thief!' routine, prompting Ann to notice that she enjoys it.
  • During the roller coaster ride, there is a picture that captures the moment when Ann, Ryuji, Futaba, and Haru are having fun, while Ren and Makoto are cowering in their seats because they are scared. Yusuke? Well, we may never know, because Futaba's long hair is blocking his face.
  • At the School Festival, Ren's attention is drawn to the obligatory 'Haunted House' stall. He then goes inside and sneaks on a member of the staff dressed as a Ghostface lookalike from behind and grabs her mask like she's a Shadow.
    [soundtrack suddenly plays 'Last Surprise']
    Ren: I'll unmask you! (Show me your true form!)
    Disguised girl: Ehh?!
    Ryuji:[Dope Slaps Ren] The hell you doin'? (Get it together, dude.)
    [soundtrack fades out]
    Disguised girl: Scary! [flees]
    Ren:[Hand Behind Head] It's a habit. (My bad.)
  • Kawakami's reaction at seeing one of her homeroom students as a waitress. She may hate her side job as a maid, but she looks almost conflictingly admiring of how well the younger girl pulls the look off.
  • Futuba's sheer delight at attending a very low-budget 'VR Experience' booth, where she wears a cheap VR headset while a guy uses an electric fan to simulate wind blowing in her face and another holds bottles with scented contents that he opens at the right times.
  • Akechi loses at 'Russian Takoyaki' just like in the game. The goofy sound effects, Ryuji barely keeping his laugh in check, and Akechi somehow still managing to charm two random girls on his way to relief really add to the moment.
  • Skull attempts to help Joker inside an electric fence, only to be electrocuted. Keep in mind, Skull resists electricity attacks.
  • When Akechi curses Ren for being a mere criminal trash living in an attic, Ren's Silent Snarker expression is priceless.
  • At the end of the episode, as the Phantom Thieves presume Ryuji dead after escaping Shido's Palace, you can see him stuck in a bush in the background with his legs sticking out.

Tarf's Happy Persona 3 Funny Adventure Hilarious Laugh Mac Os X

  • Just the fact that there's an OVA dedicated to Valentine's Day is sure to lead to some chuckles, especially knowing about Joker's consequences for dating every female character in the game.
  • The end credits parody that of episode 26, with the women dramatically walking away as intense music plays.


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